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Aromatherapy massage 60 ‘- Gift Card


Gentle and relaxing massage with a blend of essential oils that works all over the body. The oils have properties at a sensory and physical level, favoring the emotional state.


Voucher Option 1
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Voucher Option 3

Enjoy our Spa facilities at the best price.

Enjoy 30 more minutes of massage

Escoge el aroma que desees entre:
– Calmante: lavanda y aceite de geranio.
– Descongestionante: Menta
– Energizante: aceite de romero, naranja dulce
– Renovador: Ylang-ylang,

Shipping only to Barcelona. Hand-deliver your gift voucher with the 1850 Urban Spa Barcelona gift box. Delivery in 48-72 hours.

If you want the gift box, please fill out the shipping address where you want it to be received. Thank you.

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